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About the speakers

About the speakers at Cycle County Active County Oxfordshire

Cycle County Active County Oxfordshire is supported by the Department for Transport as its annual active travel summit, and the conference plenaries, breakout and workshop sessions will run alongside Department for Transport-led sessions on delivering LCWIPs, CWIS2 and the role of Active Travel England.


Plenary, breakout and workshops will run alongside Department for Transport-led sessions on delivering LCWIPs, CWIS2 and the role of Active Travel England.

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Chris Boardman

Commissioner, Active Travel England


Chris Boardman was appointed as National Active Travel Commissioner in June 2022 by the Transport Secretary.


Before this Chris was Transport Commissioner for Greater Manchester and the first ever Greater Manchester Cycling and Walking Commissioner.


A former professional cyclist, Chris won a gold medal in the individual pursuit at the 1992 Barcelona Olympic Games. Chris launched his own range of bikes, BOARDMAN Bikes, in 2007 and is the company’s chairman.


Chris is also Chair of Sport England and a prominent broadcaster for BBC and ITV.


























Josh Lenthall

Chief Executive, Active Oxfordshire


Josh is the Chief Executive of Active Oxfordshire. Active Travel fits very firmly into the charity’s Healthy, Active Neighbourhoods work and is a key part of increasing physical activity across the county. Active Oxfordshire’s work focusses on activating those facing the greatest barriers to active travel and has included projects such as supporting the opening of 15 Bike Libraries across the county.












Suzy Charman

Executive Director, Road Safety Foundation


Suzy is the Executive Director for the Road Safety Foundation (RSF) and is a leading expert on the Safe System with just under 20 years of experience.   Before joining RSF, Suzy was head of international road safety at TRL, and before that she was responsible for overseeing the establishment of the International Road Assessment Programme (iRAP).  The RSF is the United Kingdom Road Assessment Programme lead providing coordination and leadership of the programme that brings together work for National Highways, Welsh Government, Department for Transport and many local authorities. RSF has established Safe System road safety engineering working groups providing a forum for collaboration for road authorities, Police, DfT and other stakeholders. 


Suzy is a Trustee for the Rees Jeffreys Road Fund and a judge for several road safety awards including the prestigious Prince Michael International Road Safety Awards.

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Robert Davis

Chair, Road Danger Reduction Forum


Dr Robert Davis is Chair and co-founder of the Road Danger Reduction Forum, set up in 1993 after publication of his “Death on the Streets: cars and the mythology of road safety”. He has worked as a transport planner in local Government specialising in Active Travel and Road Danger Reduction for 35 years, written and broadcast extensively on transport policy and road safety, and currently trains organisations in the principles of Road Danger Reduction and works as an Expert Witness.


Contacts through @CHAIRRDRF and























Irene McAleese

Co-Founder & CSO, See.Sense


Irene McAleese is Co-founder and Chief Strategy Officer at See.Sense, a cycling and micro-mobility technology and data company on a mission to help cities transform for more cycling and sustainable travel. Irene leads strategy, partnerships, and marketing, helping to grow See.Sense into one of the UK's leading scaleups. Irene is a Member of Cycling Industry Europe’s Connected Cycling and ITS Expert Group, a Diversity Board Adviser to the UK Bicycle Association, and the Winner of Northern Ireland Women in Business Award for Best Small Business.






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Beth Hiblin

Consultant, Transport for Quality of Life


Beth Hiblin has been involved in the design, delivery and evaluation of sustainable transport programmes since she started her career in transport in Peterborough, managing one of the DfT’s three pathfinder Sustainable Travel Towns. She is particularly passionate about process evaluation and capturing lessons learnt – in order to help the wider sector evolve and improve.


Beth runs The Smarter Choice Consultancy, and is an associate with Transport for Quality of Life. Currently, she is working on, or promoting, evaluations of the Transforming Cities Fund,  the Fix Your Bike voucher scheme, and the Cornwall E-cycles Pilot – all projects for the Department for Transport.













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Inspector Kevin Smith

South Yorkshire Police, Sheffield Neighbourhood Policing team 


Kevin Smith is the neighbourhood Inspector for the North West of Sheffield in South Yorkshire.  He has been a police officer for 17 years, and his greatest achievements include a judge’s commendation for convicting a group of violent armed robbers and managing to keep up with Dame Sarah Storey for an hour on the bike.


As force lead for active travel he has worked on a number of road safety initiatives, including launching Operation Close Pass, creating the first op close pass involving a group of cyclists, assisting with third party reporting, using Strava for engagement and Operation Park Safe.


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Alison Hill

Chair, Cyclox, the voice of cycling in Oxford.


My professional career was as a public health doctor, in a variety of managerial positions in the NHS and in Public Health England. I have been an everyday cyclist all my life and managed to weave cycling into my work by creating resources that demonstrated the benefits and importance of active travel to health and wellbeing.


With my interest in the role that cycling can play in improving health, I was on the board of Cycling England for its duration.  I was chair of the Bikeability Trust for its first 6 years and now I am chair of Oxford’s cycling campaign group Cyclox.










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Brian Deegan

Director of Inspections,  Active Travel England​


Brian Deegan is the Director of Inspections at Active Travel England.  He is one of the UK’s leading experts in active travel design and helped write the Cycling Level of Service and Healthy Street Check for Designers.


He was co-author of the London Cycling Design Standards and the EU Cycling Strategy. He is currently heading a team of inspectors ensuring design quality on several billion pounds of government investment in active travel infrastructure.




























Susan Leadbetter

Susan Leadbetter

Principal Consultant - Liveable Places, WSP​



Susan is a Principal Consultant within the Liveable Places team at WSP. She is passionate about improving safety within the built environment, particularly for women, girls and other marginalised groups in society. She undertook a study focussing on women and girls’ safety, capturing experiences from over 600 women across the UK. Her award-winning research helped inform a sexual harassment campaign published by TfL. She now plays a key role in developing Diversity and Inclusion tools and initiatives to ensure that personal safety and gender is considered from the offset within projects.



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Ahmadreza Faghih Imani

Co-convenor, Urban Sustainble Environments, Imperial College


Dr Ahmadreza Faghih Imani is the Teaching Fellow in Urban Sustainability and the co-convenor of the Urban Sustainable Environments (USE) option of the MSc programme at the Centre for Environmental Policy.


Previously, he was a research associate at the Centre for Transport Studies at Imperial and a postdoctoral fellow at University of Toronto Transportation Research Institute.


He is an active member of the NASEM’s TRB Standing Committee on Bicycle Transportation."


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Tara Said

Sustainable Transport Assistant, Essex County Council


Tara Said is an Active Travel Assistant from Essex County Council, previously working in Essex’s Strategy team. Tara has a BA in Politics and Global Studies and an MA in International Relations. Tara is new to the sustainable travel field and is eager to make positive changes to enable people in Essex to have the opportunity to access sustainable forms of transport.



Tara is passionate about enabling communities to empower themselves and how to bring communities together. Tara’s current project is the Greenstead Liveable Neighbourhood project in Colchester.


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Robkin Tucker


Oxfordshire Cycling Network,

Co-Chair of CoHSAT


Robin co-founded (in 2014) and chairs the Oxfordshire Cycling Network (OCN).


In 2018, OCN joined Oxfordshire pedestrian, liveable streets and low carbon groups to form CoHSAT, the Coalition for Healthy Streets and Active Travel, which he Co-Chairs. When not campaigning, cycling, or walking, he helps businesses with strategy and marketing, including the growing space sector. He rides in from in market town Abingdon. A source of data and local info.









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Tina Glover

Associate Director,

Project Center


Tina is an Associate Director and a highly experienced Traffic and Transportation engineering professional with a broad range of knowledge in the industry.


She is a ICE NEC 4 accredited Project Manager and a member of CIHT with over 27 years’ experience leading multi-disciplinary teams including 23 years within the public sector.  She was formally the head of Traffic & Road Safety at Bury Council delivering all traffic, transportation, parking and road safety services. 


Tina was responsible for implementing £15m of walking and cycling improvements across the borough of Bury.  Contributing to the UK’s largest cycling and walking network connecting every area and community in Greater Manchester, by creating 1800 miles of routes and 2,400 new crossings.



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Amber Kenyon

Senior Transport Planner, Mott MacDonald


Amber is a senior transport planner at Mott MacDonald with 6 years’ experience working in active travel projects.


She came into the field with a strong background in data analytics having studied a GIS degree. Since then, Amber has led a multitude of active travel projects, from producing strategies and LCWIPs for multi-authority regions in both rural and urban areas, to the production of business cases for individual routes.





Sacha Manson-Smith

Chief Technology Officer,



Sacha is the Chief Technology Officer at the UK’s leading micromobility operator Beryl. In his 25-year career, he has developed industry-leading systems across micromobility, investment banking and pharmaceutical sectors.














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Andrew Snellgrove

Principal Transport Planner,

Brighton & Hove City Council 


Andrew works as a Principal Transport Planner for Brighton & Hove City Council as part of the Transport Policy and Strategy team. He has a background in pedestrian modelling and has been involved in a variety of projects including bids and studies for active travel improvements, early scheme development and strategic modelling.


























































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Simon Scarfe

Growth Strategy Manager, Cyclehoop


With ten years’ experience as a transport planner working across local, regional and national government in the active travel, air quality and electric vehicles sectors, Simon has delivered a range of initiatives to promote new and emerging technologies and business models that aim to cut carbon emissions, improve public health, and reduce congestion in urban environments. Simon is currently developing Cyclehoop’s plans to diversify the UK’s cycling population by ensuring everyone has access to secure cycle parking.


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Maxine Gregory

Senior Research Fellow, Sheffield Hallam University


Research Group and Outdoor Recreation Research Group and specialises in collaborative research to help people to move more. She is a monitoring and evaluation (M&E) expert with experience of developing M&E plans to build the evidence base to demonstrate the impact of active travel. She is part of the consortium currently undertaking the Active Travel Portfolio evaluation for DfT / ATE.



































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Tom Bogdanowicz

Senior Policy and Development Officer, London Cycling Campaign


Tom is London Cycling Campaign’s lead on road danger reduction. He is an expert in HGV safety and lorry design, and has helped progress both national and international design standards for improved lorry driver vision from inside the cab. He also works on promoting safer urban driving techniques to reduce danger to both cyclists and walkers. Other areas of expertise include cycling parking standards, multimodal transport, cycling history, London cycle makers, and leisure route design.

Before switching to cycling activism, Tom was a journalist reporting on business and transport and is also the author of London’s most comprehensive leisure cycling guide.



Paddy Hastie

Winter Equipment Manager, Peacock Salt



What about winter? Maintaining active travel schemes.


Never afraid to ask questions, Paddy is always keen to learn and build on his existing knowledge. He has built up a deep understanding of the complex challenges faced by the Winter Service industry. He has worked on several projects which have helped Local Authorities make active travel routes safer for winter commuters. He sits on the Technical Associate Group of the National Winter Service Research Group which advises on best practice and is Chairperson for A New Winter Approach, an IHE accredited collaborative initiative which supports winter service practitioners.



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Will Clarke

Director, Solar Eye


Will has spent 25 years in the traffic safety industry leading various sales functions across several industries including road safety, signage and active travel.  More recently this has expanded into lighting with the evolution of Solareye’s reflective road stud to illuminate rather than reflect light. Based in a rural area of the South West and with a passion for the outdoors, Will is keen to promote good infrastructure without harming the natural world.










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Ayanda Collins 

Operations Director, Smart Transport Hub


Aya recently joined STH after working for 5 years at Islington Council in which she spearheaded the delivery of the people-friendly streets programme. Seeing major transport projects such as low traffic neighbourhoods, school streets and cycleways from inception, to design, consultation, decision,  delivery and monitoring stages. Islington Council was the Healthy Street scorecard leader in 2022 and won trail blazing public sector organization for the people-friendly streets program.


She is particularly motivated by increasing inclusivity in transport projects consultation and delivering projects that work to decarbonise transport.

















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Neil Guthrie

 Gold Standard, Cycling


Neil has worked in active-travel related positions since the mid 1990’s with stints at Sustrans, London Cycling Campaign, TRL, Jacobs and Atkins, and secondments at TfL and HS2. He has a keen interest in innovation and has followed the rapid developments in the cycling infrastructure world since the mid 2010’s closely, helping to disseminate the latest thinking through presentations at seminars, conferences and local authorities, and the development of a ‘gold standard’ cycle map.





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Ellie Clarke -Jacques

Active Neighbourhoods Manager, Active Oxfordshire


Ellie Joined Active Oxfordshire in May 2023. As Active Neighborhoods Manager, her role includes Active Travel (working with communities to increase walking and cycling), Healthy Place Shaping (supporting the creation of sustainable, well designed and thriving communities and ensuring local peoples voices are heard in the process), and leading on the place ambition of Oxfordshire on the Move (carrying out Movement Friendly Environment Scans across the 10 priority neighborhoods in Oxfordshire to ensure everyone has access to places and spaces that encourage physical activity).




Annette Pattinson

Director, Joyriders Oxfordshire


Annette joined JoyRiders and initiated the Oxford group in January 2021, first leading and organising JoyRiders' regular women-only volunteer-led group rides. When it became clear that many riders would need additional support to be able to join JoyRiders rides, she started offering 1:1 buddying sessions to get them on the road. This soon grew into training as a cycle instructor and managing local activation projects, now providing both cycle training and access to cycles, with a particular focus on supporting women to ride with their families. JoyRiders continues to develop this approach in collaboration with other cycling groups across Oxford, building on a shared ambition to make the benefits of cycling as accessible, everyday and ordinary for as many people across the community as possible.

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Claire Stocks

Director, Walk Ride Greater Manchester CIC 

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Katie Finney

Katie Finney, Director, Amity CIC


Cllr Andrew Gant

Cabinet Member for Highway Management, Oxfordshire County Council

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Duncan Enright

Cabinet member for Travel & Development Strategy, Oxfordshire County Council

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Lucy Marstrand - Taussig

Design Policy Lead for Streets, Transport for London

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Filip Watteeuw

Deputy Mayor, Mobility, Public Space & Urban Planning, Ghent, Belgium


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Tricia Jessiman

Senior Research Associate, University of Bristol 


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Jenny Box

Deputy Director of Behaviour Change, Cycling UK

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David Wilson

Climate Strategy Manager for Transport and Public Realm, London Borough of Lambeth

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Amira Haberah

Founder, Fifteen

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Rosie Rowe

Head of Healthy Place Shaping, Public Health and Community Safety Directorate, Oxfordshire County Council


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Patrick Lingwood

Active Travel Lead, Oxfordshire County Council


Patrick leads the Active Travel Hub at Oxfordshire County Council, which has the role of developing cycling and walking policy, programmes and projects for the county. Patrick said the role caps a lifetime spent devoted to researching, designing and implementing schemes to increase cycling and walking.


After two years as transport researcher at Oxford Brookes University, he worked as ERCDT regional co-ordinator for the South East region, helping councils raise the standards of cycling in policy and delivery.


Whilst working at Bedfordshire County Council, he prepared the successful Leighton-Linslade Cycle Town Bid. For two years he was cycling policy advisor at DfT under both Labour and Coalition Governments. While at Bedford Borough, he prepared the design for UK’s first and still only turbo-roundabout.


Patrick moved to Oxfordshire County Council in 2018 to write the Oxford LCWIP. This year will see an expansion of Low Traffic Neighbourhoods and further work developing the Quietway and Quickway cycle network for Oxford


Ruth Cadbury MP

Co-Chair, All Party Parliamentary Group Cycling & Walking Committee



Ruth Cadbury MP is a member of the Transport Select Committee and co-Chairs the All Party Parliamentary Group on Cycling and Walking.  She is also a member of Labour’s Shadow International Trade Team and Chairs the APPGs on Transport Safety and Women in Transport.

Ruth has been the Labour MP for Brentford and Isleworth since 2015.

Prior to her election to Parliament, Ruth was a town planner, an elected Councillor in the London Borough of Hounslow and chair of the Barrow Cadbury Trust – a leading social justice foundation.



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Sushila Dhall

Chair, Oxford Pedestrains Association


Sushila Dhall, who has lived (and walked and cycled) in central Oxford for 40 years, was a co-founder of Oxford Pedestrians Association (OxPA) 27 years ago, and has been an active member since then, Currently Chair of OxPA, she and a small number of active members campaign for wide, level unobstructed pavements, zebra crossings on desire lines, access for wheelchair and zimmer frame users to all places accessible on foot, and a reduction in the amount of motorised traffic across the city. We do this by carrying out audits, responding to consultations, lobbying officers and elected members, and working with other vulnerable road user groups. OxPA is pleased that pedestrians and wheelchairs users are now officially at the top of the road users' hierarchy; however we see that much work remains to be done before this vision becomes reality








Sam Wakeling

Technical Coordinator, Living Streets.​



Sam is a technical coordinator at the pedestrian campaign charity Living Streets. He supports work on understanding how the conditions in public streets can help or hinder people using them for walking and wheeling, including facilitating community and school audits of streets to highlight the experiences of people who use them every day.


He has recently been involved in the research work which Living Streets is concluding into inclusive design of bus stop cycle bypasses and continuous footways. This involved detailed observation and analysis of how people use a range of existing examples of these features to build up better picture of what kinds of problems exist and how these can be made more accessible and inclusive.


Sam has previously worked in UK government on designing and researching digital interfaces and how essential public services can better achieve their goals by being more accessible.

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Tom Cohen

Senior Lecturer, Active Travel Academy, University of Westminster


Tom is a transport researcher and teacher with a background in industry. Recent work centres on transport policy and governance, with an emphasis on futures and emerging technology.


Tom is also familiar with transport decision making including stakeholder participation, transport behaviour change, active and low-carbon transport.












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Robert Weetman

Technical Coordinator, Living Streets, Scotland​



Robert is a Technical Coordinator for Living Streets Scotland. His work focuses on understanding how street design creates favourable or unfavourable conditions for pedestrians. He is presenting as research lead for a two-year project investigating inclusivity/exclusion at bus stops (where there is a cycle track), and at continuous footways.


This work tackled difficult questions through a multi-threaded approach, working with a wide variety of professionals, organisations representing disabled people, and disabled people – and combining this with in-person observations and analysis of footage from fixed cameras. The results are of significance for those wishing to improve conditions for pedestrians and cycling more widely, for those responsible for providing design guidance, and for anyone concerned that this specific infrastructure should be effective and inclusive.


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Martin Lucas - Smith

Developer & Director, CycleStreets Ltd​


Martin Lucas-Smith is Developer and Director at CycleStreets Ltd. Working with colleague Simon Nuttall, our analysis work has resulted in the first ever mapping of modal filters and Low-Traffic Neighbourhoods across the UK, demonstrating the very widespread nature of these traffic management measures.


CycleStreets Ltd creates bicycle routing and advocacy tools. Our data/routing is used in systems such as the Propensity to Cycle Tool and in third-party apps. We’re OpenStreetMap experts. We’ve also created sites like StreetFocus (UK-wide planning application data, matched to S106 project proposals), and WidenMyPath for capturing citizen ideas.



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Roger Geffen MBE

Policy Director, Cycling UK​


Roger Geffen’s involvement in cycle campaigning began as a volunteer with the London Cycling Campaign (LCC) in the late 1980’s.  He soon branched out into other transport and environment groups, including anti-road campaigns in the mid-1990s.


With the subsequent shift in national transport policy, he took a masters in Transport at London University and began working for Oxfordshire County Council on walking, cycling and local transport policies.


After a spell with consultants Steer Davies Gleave, he joined Cycling UK as Campaigns & Policy Manager (now Policy Director) in 2002.


He was awarded an MBE for services to cycling in 2015.

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Phillip Ellis

CEO & Co - Founder, Beryl​


Philip has grown Beryl as Co-Founder, leading the company to be the UKs largest micromobility company.


Philip has built up a significant depth of industry knowledge, leading the development and delivery of technology and safety projects for the global bike sharing and micro-mobility industry since 2014, including the delivery of innovations to TfL, the Citibike system in New York, the Bixi Montreal system and now mobilising Greater Manchester cycle hire scheme

As CEO of Beryl, Philip is a recognised leader within the UK’s broader technology sector and has participated in UK Government tech programmes such as Upscale at Tech City UK and London Stock Exchange Elite Programme. Under Philip’s leadership, the Beryl Bike Share business launched with a commitment to delivering shared bike/e-bike and micro-mobility systems in partnership with local authorities, at a time when much of the industry was focused on rapid deployments and limited control.

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Abigail Nichols

Project Lead, England's Economic Heartland​


Abi joined England’s Economic Heartland Sub-national Transport Body in 2019 and has worked to deliver the Integrated Sustainability Appraisal, multi modal connectivity studies and EEH’s Active Travel Strategy.

Previously to joining EEH Abi worked in Local Government roles and within the rail industry. She began her career working as a transport graduate within a Local Authority and progressed to roles in sustainable travel and transport strategy and policy.










Chris Neil

Business Devlopment Manager, VivaCity â€‹


Chris leads VivaCity’s local government growth in the south of England, including Oxfordshire, to provide multimodal monitoring and road safety plans for new projects whilst helping current transport project maximise value from existing transport data. 


VivaCity provides local authorities and transport organisations with the detailed, highly accurate, data-driven insights they need to make informed decisions to support their sustainability and active travel goals. 






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Jamie Furlong

Research Fellow, University of Westminster


Jamie is Research Fellow at the University of Wesminster's Active Travel Academy.


He has broad research interests that include active travel interventions, travel behaviour, urban and social policy and urban theory. Currently, he is working on projects using quantitative data to analyse the impacts of Low Traffic Neighbourhoods in London and the UK more widely. 











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Simon Jay

Technical Director,



Simon is a transport and town planner with over 30 years of experience of working on active travel, multi-disciplinary transport and public realm schemes. 


He has worked on a wide range of projects including active travel routes generating legacy for the London 2012 Olympic Games, planning of active travel infrastructure in busy urban contexts and strategy and action plans for active travel in various spatial contexts. 


Simon is the Technical Authority for Active Travel (Transport Planning) within Atkins Consultancy business.







Rachel Aldred

Professor of Transport, University of Westminster, and Director of the Active Travel Academy


Rachel is Professor of Transport and Director of Westminster University’s Active Travel Academy.


She has more than fifty peer-reviewed publications on active travel and won in 2016 the ESRC Prize for Outstanding Impact on Public Policy. She leads projects funded by organisations including the National Institute for Health and Care Research, Department for Transport, and Transport for London.


Rachel supervises seven PhD students and her teaching includes quantitative methods in transport studies.
















Geroge Beard

Head of New Mobility



Dr George Beard is Head of New Mobility at TRL. He is a Chartered Psychologist with a background in research methods, statistics, human factors and psychology. George has 10 years’ experience conducting social and behavioural research in the transport sector across a variety of areas including active travel and micromobility safety, inclusive mobility, electric vehicle adoption and charging, real-world trials of new mobility solutions, and monitoring and evaluation.





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Jordan Di Trapani

Principal Consultant,



Jordan is a Principal Consultant at SYSTRA with over 7 years’ experience working on a variety of modes within the transport industry including rail, bus and active travel.

He has an MSc in Physics and an MSc in Smart Cities and Urban Analytics and applies his analytical mind to transport problems on a daily basis. He is currently helping to develop data-driven decisions making tools on improving the walkability of places.






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Julian Sanchez

Active Travel Lead, Essex County Council


Julian started his career at the Department for Health and then moved to Transport for London and has worked in strategic transport planning and changing travel habits for 20 years. He has developed expertise in Active Travel, including the relationship between health and transport for the last 10 years. While at Transport for London, Julian led on consultation and engagement for the second Mayor’s Transport Strategy and contributed to the development of the London Plan (Accessibility Plan). Julian recognises the importance of high level and frequent engagement throughout projects and plans and has delivered numerous community and engagement schemes working with diverse communities and groups.


Julian is passionate about involving individuals and communities to shape their environments. This is so that they can mould their neighbourhoods in a manner which ensures that mobility is easy and accessible while fostering a sense of stewardship and pride. Julian is especially interested in deprived neighbourhoods where people who are not physically active are most likely to reside. Julian believes passionately that reducing health inequalities starts at the neighbourhood level as the neighbourhood can respond to the key social determinants of health. Julian is currently working on a Walkable Neighbourhood Guidance, Essex Pedal Power, LCWIPS, and with communities to create a Liveable Neighbourhood in Colchester.





Chris Spong


Hyperion Infrastructure 



Chris is a seasoned highway asset management consultant and active travel advocate who, as Director of Hyperion Infrastructure Consultancy, has provided practical advice to highway authorities in the UK and Ireland on the effective management and maintenance of active travel infrastructure to ensure the ongoing delivery of benefits over the whole life of the assets.









Yvonne McMinn

Associate, SYSTRA


Yvonne was appointed Associate at SYSTRA in August 2022.   She has over 20 years of experience as a Transport Planner, specialising in the environmental aspects of sustainable transport modes, within SYSTRA, one of the world’s leading engineering and consulting groups specialised in public transport and mobility solutions.


Since 2022, she along with her team has produced a refresh of Cycle-Rail Toolkit 2 “Cycle-Rail Guidance 2023” on behalf of the Cycle Rail Working Group. This is intended to provide guidance for station and train operators, local authorities, and anyone else promoting schemes to improve the integration of cycling and rail.


Before joining SYSTRA, she was Head of Network Development (Midlands and East), SUSTRANS, the United Kingdom walking, wheeling, and cycling charity, and the custodian of the National Cycle Network.  Yvonne works with many local authorities on major projects and highlights how critical, political commitment and investment are to help develop and support delivery of cleaner travel options, such as walking, wheeling, cycling and public transport.

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Liz Clements

 Cabinet Member for Transport, Birmingham City Council 


“Liz Clements is Cabinet Member for Transport at Birmingham City Council and is the Labour councillor for Bournville and Cotteridge ward on Birmingham City Council. Liz studied Modern Languages at Oxford, Trier and Hamburg universities. She spent her career as a public policy adviser in charities and local government and is a former Oxfordshire County Councillor. Liz started cycling again during the pandemic, and is an active travel and public transport advocate.”













Sarah Leeming

England Director for the South Region, Sustrans


Sustrans is the charity making it easier for people to walk and cycle.  Sarah has nearly 20 years experience of working within the environmental sector; for the last 12 years she has worked in various roles within Sustrans leading and motivating teams to engage with communities in the South of England to make walking, cycling and wheeling the first choice for everyday journeys. 

















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Korak van Tuyl

Principal Engineer, Traffic Control, Transport for London Engineering 


Korak van Tuyl Has been working at Transport for London for 24 years, with a focus on Traffic Signals and how to improve designs and facilities for pedestrians and cyclists. This has resulted in new innovations in equipment, layouts and how technology is used to change the London Streetscape.


This to encourage people to walk and cycle more to meet the Mayoral transport Strategy for 80% of all trips to be made by foo, cycle or public transport by 2041 and to eliminate all deaths and serious injuries on Londons Transport network by the same date.

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Christian Bode

Director, Technical Practice Leader Streets, UK&Ireland, Aecom


Technical Practice Lead for UK and Ireland Streets Business Line with nearly 40 years experience in the successful assessment, design and delivery of traffic and transport projects in Australia and the UK. Delivering my first Cycle Strategy in Grimsby at the start of my career I have long been an advocate for greater provision for pedestrians and cyclists and a more equitable network management approach to transport planning and street design. I have extensive experience in area and corridor projects prioritising non car modes including public transport, cycles and pedestrians. I developed the LCN+ route review CRISP process and worked on the initial Cycle Superhighways in London. This involvement continued in Australia where I have been involved at the policy and strategy levels as well as design in Victoria and South Australia including guidance for pedestrians/cyclists at roadworks. Currently working on a portfolio of walking and cycling projects in Bath including Liveable Neighbourhoods.


Sam Robinson

Managing Director, Love to Ride


Sam's professional background spans private, public and charity sectors. Having joined the team shortly after its inception, Sam has since overseen UK and global business development for Love to Ride, launched new products to new markets and helped to shape and deliver the organisation’s strategic directions, whilst keeping a keen eye on team development, growth and organisational culture. Out of working hours, Sam loves a true biking adventure, riding into the unknown with as little kit as possible!




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Sam Casey-Rerhaye


South Oxfordshire District Council 


Sam is a Councillor for South Oxfordshire District Council, representing Sandford & the Wittenhams ward which borders both Oxford city and Vale of the White Horse. Sam has been the Cycling Champion for the Council for the last 4 years, working to embed walking, cycling and wheeling into council policy and its partnerships. Sam’s main focus is to ensure everyday cycling is safer and easier for everyone for health, well-being and climate.










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Clare Maltby


Midlands & East region at Sustrans


Clare is Director for the Midlands & East region at Sustrans. Sustrans works for and with communities, helping them come to life by walking, wheeling and cycling, to create healthier places and happier lives for everyone.  Clare previously worked as a Civil Servant in Whitehall, developing Climate Change & Energy strategy. And is a former specialist advisor to the House of Commons Transport Select Committee.


















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Ian Cookson

Research Assistant, Healthy Active Cities, Sustainable Housing and Urban Studies Unit, University of Salford

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Ansar Azhar

Director of Public Health, Oxfordshire County Council


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Dr Dianne Regisford

Founder, Black Women Bike

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Owen Jenkins

Director of Place, Transport and Infrastructure, Oxfordshire County Council

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Cllr Dan Levy

Active Travel Champion, Oxfordshire County Council


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Ian Walker

Head of School of Psychology, Swansea University




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Steph Bortoli

Head of Communication and Engagement, Project Centre



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Duncan Dollimore

Head of Advocacy and Campaigns, Cycling UK

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Asa Thomas

Research Associate  Active Travel Academy, University of Westminster

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Katherine Holcroft

Head of Major Projects, Living Streets

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Jennifer Tait

Wheels for All, Oxford




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5-6 July 2023   Examination Schools, Oxford
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